Writing Structure

Key Element(7+)

  1. 5 段论:段数要在 5 段左右

  2. 字数:官方推荐 40 min 写 250 字,但实际上要写 300 甚至 400 以上。要回答题干中的所有问题,且对于每一个问题都要拖展开

  3. 主题和论点清晰,逻辑流畅,用词准确地道,有学术风格


Listing 结构:Intro - Supporting List - Opposing List - Conclusion

这种结构最高 6 分:

  1. 只是罗列原因,没有给出观点或者论证自己的观点
  2. 从支持到不支持转折强烈,段内也只是罗列观点

Effective Structure(7+)

Argument 结构:

  1. Beginning
  2. Point 1 + Reasoning:论理,用抽象的方式,用高层面的道理去说服
  3. Point 2 + Exemplification:例证,通过叙事去说服,用到 anecdote
  4. Point 3 + Concession:让步拉回,欲扬先抑,不仅说自己好,还要驳倒对方观点
  5. End

Prompt Analyse



A reservoir of high-level points 观点储备

macro 宏观,expandable 可拓展,compatible 兼容性强


  1. Effectiveness and efficiency
  2. Economy and finance(个人花销,国家经济)
  3. Environment and health
  4. Equality and fairness
  5. Feasibility and compatibility
  6. Culture and globalization
  7. Technology and internet

High level 表示宏观抽象,对应的有 Mid level 和 Detail。

  1. High level:考虑到国际文化影响力,不应该让外国游客 pay more
  2. Mid level:Cultural and historical site 是国家的象征,不应该 discourage foreigners from visiting these sites
  3. Detail:higher price reduces the number of visitors, will interfere with the spread of culture and influence

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

先选择同意还是不同意,然后生成三个高层面的观点,再由高层观点引申出 Mid Level 的观点和细节。

Discuss both views and give your opinion

先鉴别出 core issue 和两个 views。可能存在其他观点,但我们都先不考虑。选择一个观点去支持,去讨论其他观点难以论述清楚。

选择要支持的观点后去生成三个高层面的观点,再由高层观点引申出 Mid Level 的观点和细节。注意第三个观点要用到 Concession 技巧,先讨论不支持的观点,欲扬先抑。

Core issue : Best career route

View 1 : College

View 2 : Job


Positive or negative develpoment?

先选择是好是坏,然后生成三个高层面的观点,再由高层观点引申出 Mid Level 的观点和细节。

Advantage outweigh disadvantage?



The Grand Opening


  1. Hook:吸引老师的注意力,用自己的语言讲述对方的观点
  2. Transition:过渡,指出对方观点的不足,但不需要深入
  3. Points:清晰地点明自己的观点


  1. Intriguing:引人入胜,有新的信息,而不是抄袭原题干中的句子
  2. Coherent:结构上要流畅有逻辑,主要体现在过渡中
  3. Clear:立场(Response)观点(Point)要明确



It is hard to deny that (opposite detail), and such a fact leads impressionable people to generate the opinion that (opposite response).


However, such a statement suffers from both logical and factual fallacies, and it should be examined meticulously(细致地,谨慎地).


As far as (Point 1), (Point 2), and (Point 3) are concerned, I stringly hold that (our response).


  1. It is hard to deny that historical and cultural sites are the symbols of a nation, and we should encourage visiting to promote our natioanl influence. Such a fact leads impressionable people to generate the opinion that we should not charge foreign visitors more to visit these sites, as higher fees discourage visiting and hinder the influence of our culture. However, such a statement suffers from both logical and factual fallacies, and it should be examined meticulously. As far as culture, economy, and feasibility are concerned, I strongly hold that we ought to have foreign visitors pay more for visiting the sites.
  2. It is hard to deny that text is not always able to convey the subtlety(细节) and diversity in communication, and such a fact leads impressionable people to generate the opinion that email has more disadvantages in professinal and social communnication as emails are usually composed in pure text, causing confusion and misunderstanding. However, such a statement suffers from both logical and factual fallacies, and it should be examined meticulously. As far as effectiveness, economy, and social relationship are concerned, I strongly hold that email has brought more advantages.
  3. It is hard to deny that email communication appears economical as we usually don't pay a single cent for using it, and such a fact leads impressionable people to generate the opinion that email has more advantages in modern-day professinal and social communication simplely due to its convenience and low cost. However, such a statement suffers from both logical and factual fallacies, and it should be examined meticulously. As far as culture, social relationship, and economic factors are concerned, I strongly hold that email has brought more disadvantages.



  1. Coherent:有逻辑,从宏观往下一层层解释
  2. Adequate:道理要讲明白,讲透彻,有细节
  3. Consistent:一致性,整段只能围绕一个点


  1. Follow:对我方观点进行进一步的解释
  2. Fight:当正面的论述进行不下去时,可以去攻击对手的观点,但是这个策略会打断一致性
  3. Follow and Fight:最好但难度最高

Reasoning 模版

(High) First and foremost, (Point 1), as (Fact 1-1).

(Mid)For instace / To illustrate / To be more specific, (Fact 1-2).

(Detail) In addition / Not to mention that / Furthermore, (Fact 1-3).

(Optional filler)如果觉得论证还不充分(字数还不够),可以加上:Summary / Conclusion / What if,只是救火工具,不能滥用


  1. The benefit of response is clear even to the layman’s eyes.
  2. Such a fact is further substantiated by studies worldwide.


  1. (High) First and foremost, having foreign visitors pay more can help promote national culture, as such an act encourages local citizens to visit the sites.

    (Mid) To be more specific, the money charged from foreign visitors can be used to subsidize citizens to visit with cheap or free entry.

    (Detail - Follow) Furthermore, citizens will not only find a free entry inviting, but be attracted with a stronger sense of cultural belonging due to fewer entry barrier.

    (Detail - Fight) On the other hand, foreign visitors might take up the limited accommodation(住宿)capacity of the sites, so they need to be reasonably discouraged from visiting.

    (Detail - Follow and Fight) In addition, having foreign visitors pay more could not only save available "seats" for citizens, but collect a fund of restoration for a more appealing attraction to all visitors.

    (Optional filler - Conclusion) Therefore, the benefit of charging foreign visitors more is clear even to the layman's eyes, and our government should impose such policy.

    (Optional filler - What if) If we do not have foreign visitors pay more, we will not only lose a great opportunity in showing national culture to citizens, but one in promoting partriotism as well.

  2. (High) First and foremost, studying at university or college is more economical as students will be able to find jobs that are more financially rewarding.

    (Mid) To be more specific, the world today runs at an unprecedentedly fast speed and various industries require talents with both excellent technical and soft skills.

    (Detail - Follow) Elite universities are the places that provide an education which best meets such needs - a depth into a specific field with an atmosphere for communication and collaboration.

    (Optional filler) Such a fact is further substantiated by studies worldwide including one conducted by NPR (National Public Radio) in 2017 - the only thing that is more expensive than attending college is NOT attending.

  3. (High) First of all, email is an extrodinarily efficeient tool of communication as it enables smooth and effective social and professional communication in modern time.

    (Mid) For instance, we can reach our beloved ones or colleagues simply with a few clicks on the keyboard or a mobile device wherever we are, whenever we want, and however we would like to.

    (Detail - Follow) In addition, we are able to communicate at our own pace - build a strong emotional connection with our family on the other hemisphere(在地球另一边) with a couple emails over the week, or have a continuous discussion with a team of colleagues within the same building all day long.

    (Optional filler - Summary) Compared with the age of phone calls and paper mails, email has totally transformed our ways of living a life or conducting business.


Example 和 Exemplification 的区别:Example 比 Exemplification 抽象

Exemplification 的要点:在段首把分论点讲清楚(Point 2),要稍微带点细节(mid level),并要复述立场(Response)


  1. Coherent:有逻辑,先讲分论点,再把例子说清楚,最后要有总结
  2. Adequate:例子里面有细节
  3. Generality:普适性,代表性

Exemplification 模版

(Intro)Furthermore, the fact that (Point 2 mid level), indicates that (Response).

(Example)Take the case of (Character), who/which (Process). As a result, (Result).

(Conclusion) Had it not been for (Process paraphrase), (Character) would never (Result paraphrase).


  1. (Intro)Furthermore, the fact that income generated from historical sites promotes local economy, indicates that foreign visitors, who usually are able to afford a higher admission, should be reasonably charged more.

    (Example)Take the case of the well-known Cotta site located in the Terra town, which charges foreign visitors 75% more and uses the extra income on infrastructure such as roads, restaurants and hotels. As a result, not only the life of local citizens is greatly im proved, but such act also creates more jobs in town and attracts more domestic and international visitors with easier access and better facility.

    (Conclusion) Had it not been for the extra income from the site, the Terra town would never have been able to significantly improve the life of its residents and form a virtuous cycle in tourism.

  2. (Intro)Furthermore, the fact that college degree enables better long-term career growth, indicates that higher education is the best route to career success.

    (Example)Take the case of my friend Alex, a typycal colleege student among thousands, who once was a diligent student at TS College, a well-known college for its expertise in science and engineering. Alex honed both his academic and communication skills at TS. As a result, he received offers from multiple Fortune 500 firms upon his graduation. Today, he is in a high-paying job which he likes a lot.

    (Conclusion) Had it not been for Alex's hard work, he would never have been able to become an elite professional.

  3. (Intro)Furthermore, the fact that email facilitates effectivee communication for free or low-cost, indicates that it has brought great benefits to both our personal and professional life.

    (Example)Take the case of changes we all witnessed in the past decades - in many cases email has replaced expensive international phone calls, and enabled us to nail a deal across the globe or keep a close connection with family members home and abroad. As a result, email not only improved our life but accelerated globalization, and has its role in the growth of international trade.

    (Conclusion) Had it not been for email, we would never have been able to get so close to each other.

  4. (Intro)Furthermore, the fact that email brings convenience at the cost of social relationship, indicates that it hurts both our personal and professional life greatly.

    (Example)Take the case of Tendollar, the company I work for and one of the biggest IT firm in the world: coworkers in the same building or even the same office rarely talk to each other face-to-face and almost always communicate via email or its upgraded version - instant message applications. As a result, a lot of times people do not even know how to properly talk at an official meeting or after work with their friends and beloved ones.

    (Conclusion) Had it not been for email, we would never have become so distant from each other while we are so close to each other.


What is concession : The “Yes” before “But”

Conceession 模版

(Opposite response)Nevertheless, a voice arises that (opposite response and point in grand opening).

(Argument)Ironically, (fact against opposite detail).

(Our response) Therefore, (Point 3).


  1. (Opposite response)Nevertheless, a voice arises that since historical sites are the symbols of a nation, charging foreign visitors more is not feasible as higher prices discourage visiting and hinder the spread of our national influence.

    (Argument)Ironically, site admission is usually a small part of traveling expenses compared with plane tickets and accommodation, and tourists usually travel to a foreign country with a sizeable budget. In addition, tourists travel long and far with the aim of exploring and understanding a new culture, so something as trivial as a few extra dollars on a ticket will not be enough to discourage them.

    (Our response) Therefore, charging foreign visitors more is a feasible approach.

  2. (Opposite response)Nevertheless, a voice arises that text in email cannot convey the subtlety and diversity in communication - it creates confusion and misleading information, damaging our social relationship.

    (Argument)Ironically, a hammer can hurt a person badly while millions are using it everyday. Email is simply a tool and not the only vehicle of information, we can use it mostly directly or to complement various other ways of communication. For instance, we can respond a simple "YES" to an address confirmation, or inform our coworkers of the progress of the business trip while keep the very details for a later face-to-face meeting.

    (Our response) Therefore, as long as we use our tools (email in this case) properly, we will be able to significantly enhance both our personal and professional relationships.

The End



In a nutshell, I maintain that (Our response). Admittedly, as my favorite quote from James Madison goes, as long as the reason of man continues fallible, different opinions will be formed, and some people may oppose me. However, I believe they will compromise after being exposed to my article.


In a nutshell, I maintain that foreign visitors should pay more as such policy is feasible to implement, and benefits our national culture and economy. Admittedly, as my favorite quote from James Madison goes, as long as the reason of man continues fallible, different opinions will be formed, and some people may oppose me. However, I believe they will compromise after being exposed to my article.


It is hard to deny that historical and cultural sites are the symbols of a nation, and we should encourage visiting to promote our natioanl influence. Such a fact leads impressionable people to generate the opinion that we should not charge foreign visitors more to visit these sites, as higher fees discourage visiting and hinder the influence of our culture. However, such a statement suffers from both logical and factual fallacies, and it should be examined meticulously. As far as culture, economy, and feasibility are concerned, I strongly hold that we ought to have foreign visitors pay more for visiting the sites.

First and foremost, having foreign visitors pay more can help promote national culture, as such an act encourages local citizens to visit the sites. To be more specific, the money charged from foreign visitors can be used to subsidize citizens to visit with cheap or free entry. In addition, having foreign visitors pay more could not only save available "seats" for citizens, but collect a fund of restoration for a more appealing attraction to all visitors. Therefore, the benefit of charging foreign visitors more is clear even to the layman's eyes, and our government should impose such policy.

Furthermore, the fact that income generated from historical sites promotes local economy, indicates that foreign visitors, who usually are able to afford a higher admission, should be reasonably charged more. Take the case of the well-known Cotta site located in the Terra town, which charges foreign visitors 75% more and uses the extra income on infrastructure such as roads, restaurants and hotels. As a result, not only the life of local citizens is greatly im proved, but such act also creates more jobs in town and attracts more domestic and international visitors with easier access and better facility. Had it not been for the extra income from the site, the Terra town would never have been able to significantly improve the life of its residents and form a virtuous cycle in tourism.

Nevertheless, a voice arises that since historical sites are the symbols of a nation, charging foreign visitors more is not feasible as higher prices discourage visiting and hinder the spread of our national influence. Ironically, site admission is usually a small part of traveling expenses compared with plane tickets and accommodation, and tourists usually travel to a foreign country with a sizeable budget. In addition, tourists travel long and far with the aim of exploring and understanding a new culture, so something as trivial as a few extra dollars on a ticket will not be enough to discourage them. Therefore, charging foreign visitors more is a feasible approach.

In a nutshell, I maintain that foreign visitors should pay more as such policy is feasible to implement, and benefits our national culture and economy. Admittedly, as my favorite quote from James Madison goes, as long as the reason of man continues fallible, different opinions will be formed, and some people may oppose me. However, I believe they will compromise after being exposed to my article.