Note for IELTS: Writing - Part 1
官方推荐字数为 150 字,但图表题容易偏多,流程图容易偏少,不用被 150 框死。官方推荐时间为 20 分钟,但是急需要约为 25 分钟,大作文熟悉的话 35 分钟足够,但要优先写大作文。
动态图表(Dynamic table):体现变化趋势,分析时要找出趋势上的异同,表现形式可能有表格、饼状图、柱状图、折线图
静态图表(Static table):体现数据分布情况,分析时要找出数量上的异同,表现形式可能有表格、饼状图、柱状图
流程图(Flow charts)
- Brief and clear
- Replicatable
- Without personal opinion
Dynamic table
- Summary: What is the general trend?
- Grouping: What are the major comminalities and differences between trends?
- Analysis: What are the key features of each group?
- Summary: What is the framework? What is the general trend?
- Group1: Why grouping(commonality)? Comparison and key features.
- Group2: Why grouping(commonality)? Comparison and key features.
- Conclusion(bonus): Reasonable interpretation.
- Summary 时要对原题进行同义替换
- Conclusion 根据图表内容可以不写
- Group 根据图表内容可以分三组
Moderate | Dramatic | Extreme | |
Up | Rise, increase, grow, climb | Jump, surge, soar, skyrocket, hike | Peak at, reach the peak/top/highest point at |
Down | Dip, fall, decline, drop, decrease | Slide, plunge, slump | to the bottom of |
Maintain | stay constant, stabilize, level off | Reach a plateau at, plateau at | |
Up and down | Fluctuate, bounce |
大约:Approximately, about, around, just below/above
Big | Small | Fast | Slow | |
Change | Significantly, considerably, substantially, dramatically | Slightly, moderately | Quickly, sharply, rapidly, suddenly | Gradually, consistently, slowly |
Sub + verb + extent + change in data
The proportion of women engineers in aerospace rose consistently from 7% in 2009 to 21% in 2020.
Time + saw/witnessed a + extent + change in sub
The years between 1999 and 2009 saw a significant hike in China’s GDP.
Sub demonstrated/showed an upward/downward trend, increasing/decreasing from…to…
The number of visitors to the museum demonstrated an apparent upward tren, increeasing from 71,000 to 127,000 from 2007 to 2015.
A + extent + change + can be seen in + sub, change in data
A slight dip can be seen in the quantity of fast food consumed, from 17 units person in 2019 to 15 units in 2021.
There was + extent + change in + sub, change in data
There was a slight dip in the quantity of fast food consumed, from 17 units person in 2019 to 15 units in 2021.
Connections - before doing
The proportion of women engineers in aerospace rose consistently from 7% in 2009 to 21% in 2020, before a predicted further hiking to 21% in 2025.
Connections - and then do
The proportion of women engineers in aerospace rose consistently from 7% in 2009 to 21% in 2020, and then is expected to further hike to 29% in 2025.
(Summary) (Framework) The line graph demonstrates the main motivations people expressed for relocating to the countryside from the urban area of a capital city in 1990, 2000 and 2010. (General Trend) The years witnessed a large number of people moving away.
(Group 1) (Why grouping) According to the graph, the major reason for relocation was the rising cost of living. (Key features) In 1990, 65,000 people left the city because of this, then the number peaked at 85,000 in 2000, before going down a bit by 5,000 in the decade between 2000 and 2010.
(Group 2) (Why grouping) It was adifferent story for traffic and lifestyle: both had the same number of city leavers at 20,000 at the start of the period, much lower than that of rising cost of living. (Key features) Subsequently, both categories saw increases, with traffic first going up by a large number to 35,000 by the year 2000, and the even more steeply to 60,000 by 2010; Lifestyle leavers rose consisteently over the whole period, going eventually up to 40,000.
Static table
Major: Diff and Comm in Quantities within groups and between groups.
- Summary
- What info is presented ?(在题干或表格名称中,还要分析 axis and legend)
- Grouping
- What are the major commonalities and differences between quantities ?
- Analysis
- What are the key features of each group?
Expressions | |
More | More, overtake, outnumber, big/wide/clear gap between…, more likely to… |
Less | Less, decrease, shrink. small/narrow gap between…, less likely to, only |
Equal | Same, equal |
Close | Approximately, about, around, just, below/above, similar, close to, almost |
Multiples | Double, triple, quadruple, A is 3 times as large as B, A is 3 times that of B |
Percentage | A fifth, a quarter, a third, under half, approximately 9 out of 10 |
Extent: Significant, slight, gentle, mild, mere, in comparison, just a little
(Summary) The bar chart demonstrates the coffee-and-tea buying and drinking preferences of residents in five Australian cities. It shows the proportion of residents who bought fresh or instant coffee, and those that went to a café for coffee or tea in the last four weeks.
(Group 1) According to the chart, most residents in the cities went out for coffee or tea - over 60% in Sydney, Melbourne, and Hobart, and 55% in Brisbane. These numbers are generally much higher than those of buying fresh or instant coffee. Adelaide is an exception with slightly less than half of its people going out, also one or two percent lower than buying instant coffee.
(Group 2) Among those who bought coffee, around half (45-55%) of the people in the cities bought instant coffee. On the other hand, fewer people bought fresh coffee though the difference varied: from a few percent in Sydney and Melbourne to about half the number of those who bought instant coffee in Brisbane, Adelaide and Hobart.
(Conclusion) In conclusion, most residents in the five Australian cities drink coffee or tea, and they seem to prefer conveient ways of drinking (coffee or tea from a shop or instant coffee) to making their own drink (fresh coffee).
(Summary) The pie charts show the principal ways of finding out the news in two different countries, the UK and Brazil. The two nations show broadly similar patterns, though there are some differences, both significant and minor.
(Group 1) One of the most prominent features shared by the two pies is that apparently viewing TV news is popular in both countries - with about two fifths of the UK population favoring the mode of delivery and only 3% fewer in Brazil; in the meantime, in the UK over a third of people access the news online, while in Brazil the figure is more than half at 53%.
(Group 2) Differences between UK and Brazil include: 1. Over twice as many people read the news in print in the former, compared with the latter, at 15% and 6% respectively; 2. Similarly, listening to the news on the radio is preferred by three times more people in the UK than in Brazil, though both counting for a minor share of the whole population.
(Conclusion) Overall, both countries are dominated by internet and TV in the way how news is conveyed, while the UK has a bit more diversity in how people access news.
Mixed Charts
- Summary
- What info is the framework ?
- Analysis chart 1
- Key features
- Analysis chart 2
- Key features
- Conclusion
- Connection between charts
(Summary) The two bar charts demonstrate the career choices (excluding full-time work) of graduate students and postgraduate students in the UK in 2008. The choices include part-time work, voluntary work, further study, and unemplyment.
(Chart 1) Among approximately 67,000 graduates, a few percent less than half chose to pursue further study, accounting for the largest proportion. In the meantime, part-time work and unemployment both took around a quarter of the total. In contrast, voluntary work was the least popular option, occupying a mere 5%.
(Chart 2) Postgraduates followed a pattern with some similarity to graduates in 2008, though in a much smaller scale. Among approximately 7,000 of them, further study was again the most popular option, which accounted for around 30% of the total; unlike graduates, significantly more postgraduates chose part-time work than unemployment, standing at 2,535 and 1,625 respectively. Voluntary work was also again the least favorable choice at about 5%.
(Conclusion) In conclussion, the non-fulltime job preferences of graduates and postgraduates in the UK were in totally different scales, but shared some similar features.
- 室外或室内地图,包含现在的情况和未来的计划图,需要分析改变和特点
- 选址,根据地图信息选择合适的地点,很罕见
Point of reference
Locate major changes
Locate other changes
- Summary: Framework and conclusion
- Major changes: Key features
- Other changes: Key features
- Conclusion
Conclusion 二选一,如果在开始就看出了重大改变,可以在开头进行总结
环形路 | Roundabout, circular road |
仓库 | Warehouse |
娱乐和住宿设施 | Recreational and residential facilities |
翻修 | Renovate, renovation |
郊区 | Outskirts, suburb, environs |
交叉路口 | Intersection |
方位 | Southeastern, southwestern, northeastern, northwestern, due north, due sorth… |
摧毁,拆除 | Demolish, eliminate |
Build | Erect, construct, put up, develop |
Change | Extend, expand, enlarge, relocate, construct, convert, replace |
Improve | Renovate, upgrade, modernize |
Remove | Knock down, replace, tear down, disappear |
Remain | Remain/stay/stand unchanged |
A 在 B 的东西南北(内部/接壤/不接触) | A is in/on/to the east/west/south/north of B |
A 在 B 的东西南北(内部) | A is in the eastern/westernern/south/northern part of B |
A 在 B 的东西南北角落 | A is at/in the eastern/westernern/south/northern corner of B |
A 在 B 边上 | A is near/next/close/adjacent to B |
A 在 B 对面 | A is opposite to/on the opposite side of B |
(Summary: Framework) The maps depict the outskirts of the town Fosbury in 1980 and 2015, and the urban developments that took place. Overall, there were a number of notable changes to the area.
(Summary: Framework and conclusion) The maps depict the outskirts of the town Fosbury in 1980 and 2015, and the urban developments that took place. Overall, new industrial and commercial features were added, while recreational and residential facilities were renovated.
(Major changes) The most prominent change is a new roundabout in the center of the town, replacing the intersection that connedted roads to all directions. In addition, new industrial and commercial features were also added: the empty fields in the southeastern corner were converted into warehouses, a new industrial facility in the town; in the northeastern corner, flats, houses, and the grocer’s shop were demolished, and a new supermarket with a car park (facing the hotel along the rouad leading north) was built up.
(Other changes) There were also extensive renovation to the recreational and residential facilities to the town: 1. the teennis courts in the southwestern corner were upgraded to a sports center with car park; 2. (oppossite to the long line of houses stretching from the northwestern corner to due north,) the large park in the western side of the town surrounded by roads was coverted into a new residential zone with terraced houses, facing a smaller new park across the road to its east.
Flow charts
其他图表都追求 Brief and Clear,但对于流程图,需要的是 Detailed and Clear。
How to be more deescriptive:
- Purposes of the steps
- Actions in the steps
- Shapes, sizes and other features of the item
- Relationships between steps and phases
- Summary: Framework
- Phase 1: Steps
- Phase 2: Steps
- Conclusion (usually not needed)
Beginning | The process starts from…, initially, at the beginning of the cycle, during the initial phase, the beginning of the whole cycle is marked by… |
Intermediate | The second stage is…, the next step in the process is…, next comes the third stage, when the third stage is completed, the following stage is…, once/when…is done/finished |
End | The final step is to…, …is the last step in the procedure, entering the final phase |
In process | At the same time, simultaneously, meanwhile, during, in the process of…, over the course of… |
Stages | Process, procedures, stages, steps, phases |
(Summary) The two flow charts demonstrate the stages and equipment used for cement production, and how cement is further processed into concrete.
(Phase 1) First, a crusher with two tilted surfaces receives limestone and clay, combining and crushing the raw materials into powder for further processing. The powder then enters a mixer to achieve a higher level of homogeneity. After that, the mixture goes via a pipe into a larger cylindrical rotating heater (with an external heat source) and is melted. The melted mixture drops down from the heater onto a conveyor belt before being sent for grinding into cement. Finally, loose cement is packed into bags.
(Phase 2) In the second phase, cemment is then used for the production of concrete, and the first step is to createe a mixture: 15% of cement is poured out from the bags, 10% of water from a pipe, 25% sand and 50% of gravel (small stones) are shoveled. The ingredients are then all sent into a gigantic cylindrical rotating mixer. Once the mixture is adequately stirred, it forms concrete which can be used for construction purposes.